Welcome Alessandra and Thomas!

The group continues to grow! This month we welcomed Alessandra Ronchi, a visiting PhD student from the University of Milano-Bicocca, and Thomas Khazanov, a new C&CB recruit. We aim to really put the laser to work. Time to find some more office space…

Emissive TT states in pentacene

We’ve just published a new paper in Nature Chemistry demonstrating direct emission from bound TT states in single-crystalline pentacene. Very proud to have been a part of that team, and the lead author David did some phenomenal work with extremely difficult measurements! Worth a read over the holidays!

Let there be light!

Three laser outputsAfter months of delays and with a big thanks to Woojae, we now have a fully operational Pharos, Orpheus + Lyra, and simultaneous 2H-3H Hiro. So many photons, in so many colours! Fortunately we know just what to do with them…

Welcome to Woojae and Stavrini!

We’ve just been joined by a top-notch spectroscopist from Yonsei University, Dr. Woojae Kim! Also a belated welcome to our first physicist, Stavrini Tsangari, an undergraduate in the AEP program who joined us for the fall semester. They’ll both be putting their laser experience to good use to get us up and running.

Growing again!

A big welcome to David Bain, our newest graduate student! Pandemic permitting, David will be spearheading our new research efforts into photocatalysis.

Looking ahead – New postdoc position!

The lab is shuttered for the duration of the COVID-19 crisis, but at least everyone is keeping safe. Looking ahead to when we re-open, we plan to hit the ground running and there will plenty of exciting opportunities for an ambitious postdoc to get involved. That’s right, we’re hiring for the start of Fall semester! See ‘opportunities’ page for details. UPDATE 15th May: We are no longer taking applications.

Join us at SPIE San Diego in August 2020!

This year I’m a Conference Co-Chair of #SPIEOpticsPhotonics 2020, together with Christian Nielsen and Dan Congreve. Our conference is: Physical Chemistry of Semiconductor Materials and Interfaces, taking place in San Diego at the end of August. It will explore the fundamental processes of emerging and established semiconductor materials, and their interfaces, from bulk to the nanoscale. Check out the website and submit your paper before 12 February: http://bit.ly/NanoEng2020